Australia, Byron Bay Australian CSF Offer Green Industry

Revolve Your World (RYW)

In 2023, Revolve Your World (RYW) increased Norfolk Island’s recycling rates from under 35% to 75% through its circular economy-based pilot project. RYW is a complete service waste management organisation providing customised solutions to regional and remote communities across Oceania. Our goal is to reduce waterway dumping and landfill reliance by applying circular economy practices that transform waste into valuable resources, including high-quality agricultural and construction materials, while achieving the highest standards in waste management and resource recovery.

In 2023, Revolve Your World (RYW) increased Norfolk Island’s recycling rates from under 35% to 75% through its circular economy-based pilot project. RYW is a complete service waste management organisation providing customised solutions to regional and remote communities across Oceania. Our goal is to reduce waterway dumping and landfill reliance by applying circular economy practices that transform waste into valuable resources, including high-quality agricultural and construction materials, while achieving the highest standards in waste management and resource recovery.

Australia, Byron Bay Australian CSF Offer Green Industry

Luke McConell

Founder of Revolve Your World (RYW)

Raise details

Luke McConell

Founder of Revolve Your World (RYW)

Reasons To Invest

  1. Innovative Waste Management Solutions: Revolve Your World (RYW) addresses key waste management challenges in remote and regional communities, aiming to meet Australia’s 2030 National Waste Policy recycling target of 80% through sustainable practices and innovative technologies. 
  2. Strong Revenue Generation: Currently generating $1.8m in annual revenue, RYW demonstrates the market demand for effective waste management solutions and solid financial performance.
  3. Proven Scalable Model: Our patented approach has successfully increased recycling rates from below 35% to over 75% in pilot projects at Byron Bay and Norfolk Island showcasing its effectiveness for wider implementation.
  4. Data-Driven Impact: By capturing and analysing crucial waste stream data, we empower local governments and agencies to make informed decisions, while designing and enhancing community waste management strategies.
  5. A closed loop economy keeps resources in the community, transforming waste into valuable resources while reducing pollution, lowering greenhouse gas emissions and building more resilient communities.

Who We Are

We believe a global re-design of waste management is crucial to solving climate issues and building community resilience, especially in remote areas disadvantaged by limited access to infrastructure and services.

We design, build and operate circular economy based resource management systems that support Australian remote and regional communities. 

Our circular systems have already:

  • Been prototyped in Byron Shire at the Byron Bay Beach Hotel where we increased from 20-80% overnight
  • Been implemented across Norfolk Island - where we increased recycling rates from under 35% to 75% in one month

By transforming remote community waste streams into valuable resources RYW achieves incredible sustainability, economic and community outcomes.

Our model has been proven and we are generating $1.8M in annual revenue from a single project. 

With funding, RYW can drive our impact further:

  • Upgrade the Norfolk facility taking the recycling rate above 80%, reaching 2023 National Waste Policy targets.
  • Develop and launch our new 3D Data Driven Design product to provide insights and data to governments for policy change, and build our path to market 
  • Scale our technology to more remote communities across Australia and the Pacific Islands.

RYW has garnered significant commercial interest and is poised for growth. With a highly scalable model and a new product, we have partnered with Swarmer to raise capital for expansion.

The Problem

National and global recycling rates are lagging behind population growth and consumerism, leading to increased landfilling and capacity issues. Australia's 80% recycling target by 2030 seems increasingly out of reach.

Remote communities are particularly disadvantaged, facing significant challenges in waste management while lacking infrastructure, investment, and viable options. Unregulated dumping, open-air incineration, waterway and ocean dumping are all common practices in 2024 which highlight the urgent need for improved solutions throughout remote and regional Australia and the Pacific.

Our Solution

With a model proven from a regional town CBD prototype to a remote Pacific Island pilot project, Revolve Your World holds proprietary technology and systems that transform remote and regional waste management into circular economy resource production at a localised level. 

The system achieves major sustainability outcomes such as:

  • Reducing pollution
  • Lowering greenhouse gas emissions
  • Building more resilient communities
  • Achieving the highest standard in waste management and resource recovery outcomes

With investment we will be ready to scale to more remote communities across Australia and the Pacific Islands.

The Industry

Remote communities, often because of their isolation, limited resources, poor infrastructure, and/or inadequate supply chains, are a highly under-served demographic, compared to metropolitan and most regional communities in Australia. 

Australia's federal and state governments are seeking solutions to improve access to services in remote communities, including waste management.

Specific market data is currently limited which proves challenging for governments to form evidence-based decisions for the industry. Our Data Driven Design (3D) technology captures this data and if implemented will capture the pulse of Australia’s recycling and landfill operations.

Revolve Your World has identified a gap in the $9.1 billion market, specifically for remote and regional communities.

Competitive Advantage

Several major industry players hold around 65% of the market, with many specialising in specific categories (such as Sims in metal and e-waste recycling) and others focusing on a variety of waste categories. All these larger players have processing and collection arms, with vast networks of in-house and sub-contractor teams servicing communities across Australia or in large but specific geographical areas. These businesses include: 

  • Sims 
  • InfraBuild 
  • Veolia Environmental Services 
  • Cleanaway Waste Management 
  • Visy 
  • Bingo 
  • J.J. Richards & Sons Pty Ltd 

Specialisation allows for smaller players, such as RYW to enter the market.

  • Many industry companies focus on one major service, like site remediation, landfill services, or larger scale materials recovery facilities (MRF). 
  • Significant room for niche operations exists, particularly based on the large distances between remote communities and waste processing facilities located in cities or larger regional centres. These niche markets also include materials recovery and site remediation focused specifically on the mining and construction divisions.
  • The variety of materials that can be recovered, and the various ways that this can be achieved, lends towards specialisation and limits market share concentration.

RYW designs, builds and operates waste management systems that are capable of meeting federal government circular economy goals and National Waste Policy targets of 80%. 

No other company to our knowledge can deliver a scalable outcome for remote communities. 

RYW has the potential to  break the monopoly held by private and publicly owned processing operators in specific regions, with their proprietary solutions and systems, whilst increasing regulatory compliance for councils and communities that are presently disposing of their waste into the environment.

Business Model

With federal and state governments publicly seeking solutions to improve access to services and resources in remote communities - particularly waste management, there is huge demand for our services.

Our business model exists to provide this solution by supplying bespoke localised waste processing facilities to communities throughout Australia and the Pacific. 

Our path to this extensive market is our innovative product we call Data Driven Design (3D). 

The 3D product and service is an innovative solution designed to address critical issues in resource management, waste processing, and environmental sustainability.

Developed by Revolve Your World, the project aims to revolutionise how waste is managed and processed by integrating cutting-edge technology with practical, scalable solutions.

3D is not just a tool but a comprehensive platform and piece of service design work that enables communities, corporations,and governments to manage waste more effectively, reduce pollution, and promote a circular economy.

The 3D platform addresses several critical issues:

  • Waste Pollution: 3D tackles ocean pollution, landfilling, waste incineration, and carbon emissions by providing efficient, localised waste management solutions.
  • Infrastructure Gaps: The platform compensates for the lack of capabilities, infrastructure, and equipment in many regions, offering a comprehensive solution for waste management.
  • Financial Incentives: It encourages corporate accountability and offers financial incentives such as tax benefits and carbon offsets, making it an attractive option for businesses and governments alike.

For customers, 3D’s three-stage process can transform their waste and recycling problem into a market-leading, circular economy-focused system.

For RYW, 3D is a ‘paid at every stage’ sales funnel that moves from data collection to system design and implementation. 

We now plan to:

  • Develop our new 3D model for data capture, design and insights to license to governments and corporates so they may achieve Sustainable Development Goals, green star and carbon tracking outcomes.
  • Roll out our circular resource management systems to more remote island communities in Australia and the Pacific Islands, all facing similar waste management challenges as Norfolk Island.
  • Launch licensing models to scale and meet demand.

Business Achievements 

  • Patent and trademark approval 
  • A successful prototype project in the Byron Bay CBD at the Byron Bay Beach Hotel - increasing recycling rates from 20-80% overnight
  • A successful Pilot Project on Norfolk Island, increasing Norfolk Islands recycling rate to 75% in first month of operation
  • Norfolk Regional Council win Resource Management Award
  • Delivering triple bottom line outcomes for Norfolk Island - environmental, social and economic
  • Created 11 full time equivalent jobs on Norfolk Island, employed 21 residents for these positions
  • Grants won 
    • CSIRO grant
    • R&D Tax Incentive grant 
    • Industry Growth Program Advisory Service 
  • Southern Cross University Reseach Partnership Agreement in place
  • 3 successful raises with impact investment focused family offices

Use of Funds

  • Optimise Norfolk Island to meet an 80% recycling rate - developing Australia’s only replicable and scalable model for remote communities. 
  • Purchase extra equipment to automate processes, upgrade existing equipment and to support community initiatives that focus on waste minimisation. 
  • Develop and pilot our Data Driven Design (3D) product to drive our path to market through data capture, insights, and designing new circular economy models for communities and corporates.

Key Risks

  • Failure to maintain existing customers or win new customers:
    The Company’s ability to maintain successful relationships with existing customers or win new customers is fundamental to its business, growth and future profitability. There can be no guarantee that the Company will be successful in retaining or winning customers.
  • Cashflow risk:
    The Company’s operating activities involve a series of cash inflows and outflows. Although the Company seeks to manage its cash flow efficiently, there is a risk that the Company may not have sufficient cash or working capital, at times, to fund both its operations and its expansion plans. This could affect the Company’s profitability, future prospects, and its ability to meet its business objectives.
  • Industrial Risk:
    Industrial disruptions, work stoppages, safety issues and accidents in the course of the Company’s operations could result in losses and delays, which may adversely affect profitability.

About Swarmer

Swarmer is an Australian equity crowdfunding platform connecting businesses and investors. Designed to support start-ups, growth companies and scale-ups we allow everyday investors to own a share in businesses that are the future. We hold Australian Financial Services License (AFS License #507867). 

Find out more about becoming a shareholder via Equity Crowdfunding through Swarmer.