I Offer Details
The following table sets out the issued capital of the Company following the Offer.
I How funds will be used
The table below sets out the intended use of funds raised under this CSF Offer based on the Minimum and Maximum subscription amounts.
In the table, ‘working capital’ includes overhead expenses, employee wages and director remuneration. Details of payments to be made to directors and senior managers are itemised below:
- Directors’ remuneration: $0.00. The directors have resolved to draw no fees until the company breaks even.
- Senior manager remuneration: $460,000
- The costs of the CSF Offer include the Intermediary’s fees under the hosting agreement between the Company and the Intermediary. These fees are $5,000 plus and 7% of capital raised.
Other than as specified above, no other payments from the funds raised will be paid (directly or indirectly) to related parties, controlling shareholders, or any other persons involved in promoting or marketing the CSF Offer.